Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education – English, Deutsch, Italiano

Cover of Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education – English, Deutsch, Italiano
Peer Review Logo Bozen-Bolzano University Press
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a cura di

Elena Bonetto, Michael Joseph Ennis, Dietmar Unterkofler

Informazioni bibliografiche

2020, 334 pag.




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The international symposium “Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes” aimed to bring together university instructors and researchers of LSP and LAP in order to share and explore approaches, methods, and practices which have emerged within diverse contexts. Topics include needs analyses, TBLT, curriculum development, collaborative reflective writing, correction codes, specific communication skills and competences, institutional challenges, technology and digital literacies, word lists, reading skills, textbooks, L1 transfer, academic writing styles in L1 versus L2, assessment, and motivation.



  1. Front Matter
  2. Introduction
    Elena Bonetto, Michael Joseph Ennis, Dietmar Unterkofler
  3. Insegnare la comunicazione specialistica in italiano: il caso del linguaggio giuridico
    Stefania Cavagnoli
  4. A Quantitative Approach to Increase Awareness of Grammatical Inaccuracies in L2 Academic Writing
    Sarah Strigler
  5. Negotiation in the Foreign Language Classroom: Developing Global Learners as Negotiators
    Nicoletta Cherubini
  6. Processes for Instructional Material Development for ESP Classes from the Critical Literacy Perspective in a Federal Educational Center in Brazil
    Renata de Souza Gomes
  7. Collaborative Academic Writing: Challenges and Difficulties of English Native and Non-Native Speaker Students on an Academic Skills Module in a UK University
    Simona Floare Bora, Awad Alhassan
  8. Lessons learnt: Flipping a Business English Course with Moodle’s “Learning Paths”
    Aleksandra Sudhershan
  9. Individuelle Glossare als Hilfsmittel für fachsprachliche Kommunikation
    Renata Cavosi Silbernagl
  10. Le LSP nella didattica della lingua italiana. Un’indagine sulla dimensione operativa
    Paolo Nitti, Elena Ballarin
  11. Fachliteratur exzerpieren: Techniken und Strategien der visuellen Aufbereitung von Fachtexten im studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenunterricht
    Ulrike Arras, Brigitte Widmann
  12. Zum Zusammenhang zwischen metakognitiver Fähigkeit, Leseverständniskompetenz, Lesegeschwindigkeit und schulischem Selbstkonzept mehrsprachiger Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe I – Eine explorative Studie
    Eleni Peleki
  13. „weil das halt sehr wichtig ist in der wissenschaft” – Zur Nachfeldbesetzung im gesprochenen Deutsch als fremder Wissenschaftssprache
    Vìctor Zirate
  14. Strategie glottodidattiche per l’italiano accademico: un’indagine sull’interferenza delle L1 nell’interlingua della L2 in ambito accademico
    Elena Ballarin, Paolo Nitti
  15. Mediating the Medium: When Language Becomes an Impediment to Learning
    Vaijayanthi M. Sarma
  16. Motivating Learners by Meeting their Needs: The Introduction of a Business English Track at the unibz Language Centre
    Michael Joseph Ennis
  17. „The most scary part is course requirements.“ Die studentische Perspektive auf internationalisierte akademische Literalität im Kontext von study abroad
    Eva Seidl, Birgit Simschitz
  18. L'italiano L2/LS nel contesto universitario. Un'interrogazione
    M. Cristina Boscolo
  19. Fachsprache Deutsch in Studium und Beruf
    Regina Graßmann
  20. Aufgaben für die Förderung von Bildungssprache bei SeiteneinsteigerInnen. Empirische Zugänge
    Magdalena Michalak, Thomas Grimm, Simone Lotter


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