Sustainable Water Management and Wetland Restoration Strategies in Northern China

a cura di
Giuseppe Tommaso Cirella, Stefan Zerbe
Informazioni bibliografiche
2014, 242 pag.
- ISBN: 978-88-6046-069-1
- DOI : 10.13124/9788860461094
25,00 €
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This book depicts the results of a research project in northern China, where an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers from Italy, Germany and China has applied a broad range of methodology in order to answer basic and applied research questions and derive comprehensive recommendations for sustainable water management and wetland restoration. The project primarily focused on ecosystem services, e.g. the purification of water and biomass production. In particular, the ecosystem function and use of reed (Phragmites australis) and the perception as well as the value of water as a resource for Central Asia's multicultural societies was analysed.
Front Matter
Foreword, Preface
SuWaRest, the “third culture” and environmental ethics
Study areas: The Heihe River Basin and Wuliangsuhai Lake at the Hetao Irrigation District
Use of microbial communities as bioindicators for land-use systems
Water allocation along the Heihe River and Tugai forest conservation in Ejina
Stoichiometry and functional traits of reed (Phragmites australis)
Diversity and role of rhizobacteria associated to reed stands (Phragmites australis)
Reeds as a renewable energy source: Insight into possible conversion pathways
Livelihood and economy of reed wetlands
Index of sustainable functionality: Application in Urat Front Banner
Development scenarios on the Hetao Irrigation District and Wuliangsuhai Lake
Conclusion and interdisciplinary recommendations
Conclusion and interdisciplinary recommendations
Photographic Documentation
This book is written for researchers, students in higher education and practitioners. Iale Bulletin, vol. 33 no. 1, march 2015
This title (excluding the cover and the quotations) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.