Written in the Landscape

Orte, Spuren, Erinnerungen. Der Erste Weltkrieg in den Sextener Dolomiten ; Luoghi, tracce e memorie della Prima guerra mondiale nelle Dolomiti di Sesto ; Places, Traces and Memories of the First World War in the Sesto Dolomites
Cover of Written in the Landscape
Peer Review Logo Bozen-Bolzano University Press
Open Access Logo


Waltraud Kofler Engl, Gaia Piccarolo

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During the First World War, a complex system of military infrastructures was built in the border areas of the Sesto Dolomites. The research project “Written in the Landscape“ adopts a multidisciplinary approach that goes beyond the conventional dichotomy between natural and cultural heritage in order to examine the overlapping material traces and memories of the First World War that have been inscribed in places over generations. The project demonstrates the complexity of a difficult legacy that is still visible today in this iconic alpine landscape and is deeply interwoven into the memory cultures of the local community of Sexten.


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