Beiträge zum Workshop Der Computer – was für eine Geschichte!
Atti del workshop Il computer - che storia!

Gabriella Dodero, Francesco Di Cerbo
Bibliographic information
2009, 56 p.
- ISBN: 978-88-6046-014-1
15,00 €
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This volume contains the papers that were given at the conference of the same name that was held at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano on 19 July 2007 at the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to the history of computers. The four papers deal with the construction of ELEA 9003, the first mainframe computer produced in Italy, the experiences of the first data centres in South Tyrol, the widespread introduction of the personal computer in the provincial government’s administration and the experiences of Italian universities, which from 2005 have offered courses in the “History of IT”.
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