Beschäftigung mit Musik – ein Leben lang

Fare musica - tutta la vita
Cover of Beschäftigung mit Musik - ein Leben lang
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Franz Comploi, Emma Mitterrutzner

Bibliographic information

2010, 134 p.
  • ISBN: 978-88-6046-032-5




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In a society that is continuously evolving, and where the arts are integrating with daily life in ever-changing ways, music is an important constant in our lives. From even before we are born until our final breath, we are constantly bombarded by sound. These conference proceedings focus on different research areas, from the Mozart effect to music therapy, which were discussed in the international conference entitled “Beschäftigung mit Musik – ein Leben lang / Fare musica – tutta la vita” (Making music – throughout your life) in Brixen/Bressanone, 2008.



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