Workflow and Services
bu,press Workflow

Please note that the publication process starting from your publication request to the final publication approval takes at least 4–6 months, in some cases even longer.
The publication type (print/e-book) is defined in accordance with the authors. The number of copies to be printed is defined by the publisher.
Publication request
If the basic requirements are fullfilled (affiliation, subjects, extent, category), authors/editors inform the publisher about the basic project details by filling out the publication request form. After receiving the publication request, bu,press contacts the author/editor to discuss further details.
Guidelines for authors
Manuscripts need to comply with the Guidelines for Authors.
Important: to be admitted to the peer review procedure, texts need to be linguistically and formally flawless (APA style). Texts lacking these characteristics are returned to the author or editor, who need to ensure the guidelines’ observance.
To ensure format consistency and to speed up the publication process authors can use the following templates (with instructions):
Services for authors
Quality control and production process management, allocation of ISBNs, ISSNs, DOIs, delivery of deposit copies, publication on peer-reviewed open access platforms (DOAB, OAPEN) and open access portals such as peDOCS, registration in the Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher and Informazioni editoriali, worldwide distribution of print copies via the bu,press webshop, Amazon, Casalini, Webster, ibs, Libreria universitaria, IngramSpark, and specialized book shops, marketing measures (e.g. book presentations).