Educational Sciences View cart “EMI and Beyond: Internationalising Higher Education Curricula in Italy” has been added to your cart. Showing 1–20 of 55 results Sort by publication year (descending order) Sort by publication year (ascending order) Sort by price (ascending order) Sort by price (descending order) Sort by title (A to Z) Sort by title (Z to A) Einblicke und Ausblicke: Perspektiven für die Bildungsforschung und -praxis – Sguardi e traguardi: prospettive per la ricerca e la pratica educativaed. by Seitz, Simone; Berti, Francesca2024Add to cartDownload PDF Didattica e inclusione scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich 2023ed. by Demo, Heidrun; Cappello, Silver; Macchia, Vanessa; Seitz, Simone2024Add to cartDownload PDF Promoting Social Innovation and Solidarity Through Transformative Processes of Thought and Actioned. by Nothdurfter, Urban; Zadra, Franca; Nagy, Andrea; Lintner, Claudia2023Add to cartDownload PDF Malinowski and the Alps – Anthropological and Historical Perspectivesed. by Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy2023Add to cartDownload PDF Integrating Classroom-Based Negotiation Into a SyllabusJemma Prior 2023Add to cartDownload PDF Didattica e inclusione scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereiched. by Demo, Heidrun; Cappello, Silver; Macchia, Vanessa2022Add to cartDownload PDF Cultures in Mountain Areas : Comparative Perspectivesed. by Boos, Tobias; Salvucci, Daniela2022Add to cartDownload PDF EMI and Beyond: Internationalising Higher Education Curricula in Italyed. by Mastellotto, Lynn; Zanin, Renata2021Add to cartDownload PDF Inklusiver Musikunterricht aus resonanzpädagogischer PerspektiveNora-Elisabeth Leinen-Peters, Sarah Schrott 2021Add to cartDownload PDF Approaches to English for Specific and Academic Purposesed. by Ennis, Michael Joseph; Prior, Jemma2020Add to cartDownload PDF Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education – English, Deutsch, Italianoed. by Bonetto, Elena; Ennis, Michael Joseph; Unterkofler, Dietmar2020Add to cartDownload PDF Jon! 1 – Sfuei de lëurDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 1 – Sfuei de nseniamëntDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! Sfuei dla coniugazionsDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 2 – Sfuei de nseniamëntDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 2 – Sfuei de lëurDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 3 – Sfuei de nseniamëntDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 3 – Sfuei de lëurDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 4 – Sfuei de nseniamëntDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart Jon! 4 – Sfuei de lëurDaria Valentin, Ruth Videsott , Veronica Rubatscher2020Add to cart 1 2 3 weiter ›
Einblicke und Ausblicke: Perspektiven für die Bildungsforschung und -praxis – Sguardi e traguardi: prospettive per la ricerca e la pratica educativaed. by Seitz, Simone; Berti, Francesca2024Add to cartDownload PDF
Didattica e inclusione scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich 2023ed. by Demo, Heidrun; Cappello, Silver; Macchia, Vanessa; Seitz, Simone2024Add to cartDownload PDF
Promoting Social Innovation and Solidarity Through Transformative Processes of Thought and Actioned. by Nothdurfter, Urban; Zadra, Franca; Nagy, Andrea; Lintner, Claudia2023Add to cartDownload PDF
Malinowski and the Alps – Anthropological and Historical Perspectivesed. by Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy2023Add to cartDownload PDF
Didattica e inclusione scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereiched. by Demo, Heidrun; Cappello, Silver; Macchia, Vanessa2022Add to cartDownload PDF
Cultures in Mountain Areas : Comparative Perspectivesed. by Boos, Tobias; Salvucci, Daniela2022Add to cartDownload PDF
EMI and Beyond: Internationalising Higher Education Curricula in Italyed. by Mastellotto, Lynn; Zanin, Renata2021Add to cartDownload PDF
Inklusiver Musikunterricht aus resonanzpädagogischer PerspektiveNora-Elisabeth Leinen-Peters, Sarah Schrott 2021Add to cartDownload PDF
Approaches to English for Specific and Academic Purposesed. by Ennis, Michael Joseph; Prior, Jemma2020Add to cartDownload PDF
Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education – English, Deutsch, Italianoed. by Bonetto, Elena; Ennis, Michael Joseph; Unterkofler, Dietmar2020Add to cartDownload PDF